Journal IJESLi ISSN 2775-4928 (Print) ISSN 2775-8895 (Online)


Published: Nov 28, 2021

Fluctuations in Students' Higher Order Mathematical Thinking Ability Solving HOT Problems With Metacognitive Strategies

1-18 1Bansu Irianto Ansari, 2Mirunnisa, 3Darmi

Improving poetry writing skills By using the image media on students of class x RPL smk negeri 2 sigli Study year 2020/2021

19-36 1Zuraidawati, 2Farizawati

Code Mixing Of Angkola And Indonesian Language In Daily Interaction Of Lecturers And Staff In Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan

37-48 1Gabby Maureen Pricilia, 2Habib Rahmansyah, 3Nanda Saputra

Cultural education In the concept of the philosophy of islamic education

49-62 1Muhammad Yusuf, 2Amalia Syurgawi, 3Faridah Faridah, 4Nanda Saputra

Impact Of Value In The Brand Page Experience On Customer Engagement Behaviors Dimediation Of Customer Satisfaction at PT. Bank Sumut Medan

63-79 1Risky Juniyanti, 2Saskia, 3Sunaryo

Influence of appeal visuals, perceived enjoyment and Program discount to online customers impulse – buying on the shopee app (case study in community Medan johor, kelurahan great base)

80-91 1Mustika Nur Azmi, 2Saskia, 3Hafriz Rifki Hafas

The signs, symbols. And interpretans found in the internet viral memes on the 9gag social media platform

92-101 1M. Haidir, 2Misla Geubr

The Effect Of Self Efficacy, Leadership And Work Motivation On Job Satisfaction Of The Meteorology, Climatology, And Geophysical Agency In Medan

102-117 1Anas Mutasim, 2Hafizah, 3Muller Tamba

Strategy for choosing language research title For beginners

118-125 Misla Geubrina

The EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension Through Western Song And The Strategies For Improvement

126-130 1Pratiwi Samad, 2Nanda Saputra

A Study of Multimodal of BMW 7 Series Advertisement

131-139 1Dharmawati, 2Ramlan

The Effectiveness Implementation Strategy Of The Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Policy by Postering A Business Climate For Songket Craftsmen in Ogan Ilir Regency

140-153 1Ardiyan Saptawan, 2Erma Novida, 3Aulia Utami Putri

The Importance Of Revitalizing Relevant Local Wisdom Values To Overcome Global Problems

154-159 1Nabella OS Mustaqorina, 2Cecep Hilman, 3Nanda Saputra

Code Switching And Code Mixing In Sociolinguistic Studies Speaking Language In Communication For School Students Darussalam Waturingkel Vocational School, Cilacap

160-169 1Dwi Setiyawan, 2Nanda Saputra

Study Of Intertextuality On Novels Perempuan Di Titik Nol By Nawal El-Saadawi And Istri Untuk Putraku By Ali Ghalem

170-182 1Ryan Hidayat, 2Nanda Saputra, 3Retno Winarni