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The aim of this study were to figure out what the signs, symbols, and interpretants in the 9GAG memes meant. These symbols provide instructions or indications to the researchers in deciphering the meaning of advertising. Depending on the image, the framing approach is detected. The 9GAG Meme is an example of a Meme used to connect with people on social media. The 9GAG Meme is a meme that consists of a picture and a caption. The sign included in memes and how it is received were determined using a semiotics review in this study. The memes utilized as study data were acquired using qualitative visual materials obtained from as the data source. The visual semiotic theory established by Pierce (1931) was used to examine fifteen data sets. The research approach used in this study is qualitative data analysis. Each piece of data in this study is made up of a symbol and a meaning. The signs were identified using Pierce's triadic sign (Representation, Object, and Interpretant), and there are three phases in understanding the sign: nonverbal communication legisign, framing strategies, and communicative act. The result of this study were; (1) Based on the analysis, the researchers discovered 27 icons and 39 symbols from 15 (fifteen) memes data that had been previously picked using simple sampling; (2) The researchers also discovered that visuals (icons) influenced the researchers's perception of memes' implicit meanings.


Visual Semiotic, Charles Sanders Pierce, Meaning, Memes, 9GAG

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