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This research conduct to determine "The Influence of Quality of Raw Materials and Production Processes on Sales Levels of Tahu Jaya in Mutiara Timur District, Pidie Regency". Where the independent variable is the quality of raw materials (X1) and the production process (X2) and the level of sales (Y) as the dependent variable. Based on the results of the study, the regression equation was obtained: Y = 3.652 + 0.411X1+ 0.448X2. Based on the results of the analysis above, it can be concluded that of the two variables studied, it turns out that the Product Quality variable (X1) has the most dominant influence of 46.6% on the Sales Level of Tofu Jaya in Mutiara Timur District, Pidie Regency. The relationship between the dependent and independent variables, namely each variable Quality of raw materials (X1) and Production Process (X2) on the level of tofu sales in Mutiara Timur District, Pidie Regency with a correlation index of 85.9%. This means that the relationship is very strong. Then the index of determination of each variable Product Quality Development (X1) and Advertising (X2) is 85.9% %, this means that it has a significant effect on the Sales Level of Tofu Jaya in Mutiara Timur District, Pidie Regency and is 14.1% which is influenced by others that were not investigated in this study.


Quality of Raw Materials, Production Process, Sales Level

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