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The purpose of this research is to develop a financial report system for Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) that provides convenience and efficiency in the preparation of financial reports for BUMDesa Karieng in Pidie District. This system aims to determine the annual income of BUMDes in Karieng Village and improve the processing of village potentials according to community needs. The method used to develop this BUMDes financial report system is the application of a prototype. The existing financial data processing system at the Village-Owned Enterprises in Karieng Village is currently adequate but still has some shortcomings. A computerized system is needed to support the financial data processing system of BUMDes in Karieng Village, making financial reporting more effective. This computerized system is designed to assist users in the process of inputting data, recording transactions, and generating financial reports more effectively. To support the development of this application, Java is used as the programming language, and the applications used are Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, Android Studio as the database, and Justinmind as the Prototype creation tool.


financial report system, Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes), prototype method, Android-based, efficiency, data processing, Java, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

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