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Conceptual understanding is a basic ability that students must have. This ability becomes the foundation to be able to solve various forms of problems. In addition, a good understanding of concepts will help students understand the next material, because the material in mathematics is hierarchical. This study uses indicators of ability to understand mathematical concepts according to Kilpatricket al., (in Lestari and Yudhanegara, 2015) as follows: (a) Restate the concepts that have been learned, (b) Classify objects based on mathematical concepts, (c) Apply concepts algorithmically, (d) Providing examples or counter-examples of the concepts studied, (e) Presenting concepts in various representations, (f) Linking various mathematical concepts internally or externally. The research results show that mathematical misconceptions occur in elementary school students. The mathematical misconceptions found in this study are mainly related to concepts related to numbers and fractions. Concepts related to numbers include: (1) the concept of minus and negative signs (–) as operations and types of a number, (2) concepts related to decimal numbers, and (3) the concept of multiplication as repeated addition. Concepts related to fractions include: (1) the concept of fractions (2) the concept of percentages (3) the concept of addition and subtraction, and (4) the concept of multiplication and division of fractions.


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